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A New Paradigm for Driver Retention

Are Electric Technologies to Improve Driver Comfort Worth the Investment? We Say Yes. For professional over the road drivers, the truck is their home...

Part 2: Configuration Tips for Fleet Managers to Improve Electric APU Performance

This is the second post in our two-part series: How to Maximize the Performance of Your Electric APU. In this second part, we will focus on tips for...

Part 1: Driver Pro Tips to Optimize the Performance of Your Electric APU

This is the first in a two-part series on how to maximize the performance of your electrified AC in your sleeper bunk. Part 1 is focused on tips for...

What are RelGen's Advantages over an Engine Alternator?

Upgrading your engine alternator is not the answer for charging your auxiliary batteries. Learn why in this interview with our Founder and CEO,...

Invest in Electric APUs and Solve Their Charging Problems with RelGen

Electric and diesel APUs both have their shortcomings but, when installed with RelGen, electric APUs are far superior. Learn more in our short...

What are RelGen's advantages over DC/DC converters and solar panels?

Charging with RelGen is far more effective than using DC/DC converters or solar. Hear what Andrew Amigo has to say about each technology.

Optimize Your Liftgate Performance [Infographic]

Do your drivers have to idle their engines while making deliveries to power their liftgates? Do you have issues with low voltage, frequent...

Blackburn Energy Announces Newest Hire: Mark Moreschi, Sales Director

Watch Elayne Cronin, our Marketing Specialist, interview Mark Moreschi, our new Sales Director who joined the team in February, 2020.

5 Essential Practices to Improve Your Truck’s Liftgate Performance

Battery recharging issues are well known among fleets using trucks with liftgates. Often there is not enough power in the liftgate batteries to carry...